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Article 1 (Name)



There may be people who think that the face of [a child who is in trouble] came to mind.

Perhaps some people thought, "That's my child."


周りからは問題行動をとる【困ったことをする子】に見える子ども達ですが、 本当は【困ったことをする子】なのではなく、適切な行動 ―その場に合った行動― がとれずに【困っている子】なのかもしれません。





  • みんなと同じにできない

  • 勉強についていけない

  • 忘れ物が多い


  • こだわりが強い

  • かんしゃくやパニックが激しい


  • じっとしていられず 落ち着きがない


  • Poor communication

  • I'm quiet and can't say anything

  • often abused

  • I don't get along well with my friends


  • A child who is difficult to raise

  • child with learning difficulties

  • child who does not want to go to school


How should I be involved as a parent?



[Kamewako] was born in Wako City, Saitama Prefecture in 2013.


Sponsored by NPO Wako Child Care Network"Parent Training" was launched in 2013 as a result of an exchange and information exchange meeting.



  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorder, High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome)

  • LD (learning disability)

  • ADHD

  • gray zone


Parents who are a little bit difficult to raise a child get together to look at their child from various angles, learn about their child's characteristics, and learn and discuss how to interact with them (how to respond and how to talk to them) in consideration of their characteristics. .


I want both parents and children to overcome various problems, such as the difficulty of living, the feeling of trouble, and the difficulty of raising parents, and grow into independent human beings.

And in the future, I hope that the children will be able to grow up with smiles and happiness in the community, and that they will live their lives to the fullest in the future.


[Kamewako] is a place where parents with this kind of wish join hands, deepen their understanding of their children while interacting, and what they can do for their future. We are talking.











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